Abstract: Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is associated with various health benefifits. In this review, we searched current work about the effects of EGCG and its wound dressings on skin for wound healing. Hydrogels, nanoparticles, micro/nanofifiber networks and microneedles are the major types of EGCG-containing wound dressings. The benefificial effects of EGCG and its wound dressings at different stages of skin wound healing (hemostasis, inflflammation, proliferation and tissue remodeling) were summarized based on the underlying mechanisms of antioxidant, anti-inflflammatory,antimicrobial, angiogenesis and antififibrotic properties. This review expatiates on the rationale of using EGCG to promote skin wound healing and prevent scar formation, which provides a future clinical application direction of EGCG.
Keywords: EGCG; skin wound healing; wound dressing; anti-inflammation; angiogenesis; antifibrosis.
Abstract: Wound healing involves a series of cellular events in damaged cells and tissues initiated with hemostasis and fifinally culminating with the formation of a fifibrin clot. However, delay in the normal wound healing process during pathological conditions due to reactive oxygen species, inflflammation and immune suppression at the wound site represents a medical challenge. So far, many therapeutic strategies have been developed to improve cellular homeostasis and chronic wounds in order to accelerate wound repair. In this context, the role of Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) during the wound healing process has been a stimulating research topic for therapeutic perspectives. Nrf2 is the main regulator of intracellular redox homeostasis. It increases cytoprotective gene expression and the antioxidant capacity of mammalian cells. It has been reported that some bioactive compounds attenuate cellular stress and thus accelerate cell proliferation, neovascularization and repair of damaged tissues by promoting Nrf2 activation. This review highlights the importance of the Nrf2 signaling pathway in wound healing strategies and the role of bioactive compounds that support wound repair through the modulation of this crucial transcription factor.
Keywords: Nrf2; wound healing; skin; inflflammation; antioxidant.
摘要 介绍了次氯酸溶液的发展史、杀菌机制、特点、与其他伤口清洁消毒剂的比较、使用方法以及当前研究的不足,旨在为次氯酸溶液在伤口治疗、护理中的应用提供依据。
关键词 次氯酸溶液;伤口;感染;细菌生物膜;临床应用;综述
摘 要 目的了解城市医共体内社区护士开展“互联网+伤口护理服务”意愿及需求,为完善“互联网+伤口护理服务”模式提供参考。方法自拟访谈提纲对城市医共体内7个社区卫生服务中心的11名社区护士进行一对一的深入访谈,采用Colaizzi现象学研究法分析资料、提炼主题。结果提炼出4个主题:1)有较强的参与“互联网+伤口护理服务”意愿。(2)健全相关法律法规的需求。(3)控制护理服务风险和保障执业安全的需求。(4)完善相关配套制度和创新服务举措的需求。结论城市医共体内社区护士对“互联网+伤口护理服务”的参与意愿较强,健全法律法规、降低服务风险、完善配套制度及创新服务举措是当前主要需求。相关政府管理部门应尽快推进法律法规、制度流程、风险防范及服务新举措的建设和完善,以促进“互联网+伤口护理服务”良性发展。
关键词 社区护士 ;伤口护理;互联网+护理;质性研究