Establishment and application of perceived age prediction model for the periocular aging research of Chinese Han women

27 2月 2025
Author :  

Qianqian WangNihong Li2,Mingyu Wang2,Yuting Jin2,Rui Ye2,Le Du2,Fan Hu2,3

1 Department of Dermatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

2 UNISKIN Research Institute on Skin Aging, Inertia Shanghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China

3 DermaHealth Shanghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China


Fan Hu,UNISKIN Research Institute on Skin Aging, Inertia Shanghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., 19F, No.8 Huaihai Rd (M), Lansheng Building, Huangpu District, Shanghai.

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Background: The assessment of skin aging through skin measurements faces limitations, making perceived age evaluation a more valuable and direct tool for assessing skin aging. Given that the aging process markedly affects the appearance of the eye contour, characterizing the eye region could be beneficial for perceived age assessment. This study aimed to analyze age-correlated changes in the eye contour within the Chinese Han female population and to develop, validate, and apply a multiple linear regression model for predicting perceived age.

Materials and methods: A naïve panel of 107 Chinese women assessed the perceived ages of 212 Chinese Han women. Instrumental analysis evaluated periorbital parameters, including palpebral fissure width (PFW), palpebral fissure height (PFH), acclivity of palpebral fissure (AX), angle of inner canthal (AEN), and angle of outer canthal (AEX). These parameters were used to construct a multiple linear regression model for predicting the perceived ages of Chinese Han women. A combined treatment using Fotona 4D and an anti-aging eye cream, formulated with plant extracts, peptides, and antioxidants, was conducted to verify the cream’s anti-aging efficacy and safety. This eye cream was then tested in a large-scale clinical trial involving 101 participants. The prediction model was employed in this trial to assess the perceived ages of the women after an 8-week application of the eye cream.

Results: All parameters were observed to decrease with age. An intergroup comparison indicated that eyelid aging in Chinese Han women accelerates beyond the age of 50. Consequently, a linear regression model was constructed and validated, with the perceived age being calculated as 183.159 - 1.078 * AEN - 4.487 * PFW + 6.061 * PFH - 1.003 * AX - 0.328 * AEX. The anti-aging efficacy and safety of the eye cream were confirmed through combined treatment with Fotona 4D, showing improvements in wrinkles, elasticity, and dark circles under the eyes. In a large-scale clinical evaluation using this eye cream, a perceived age prediction model was applied, suggesting that 8 weeks of use made participants appear 2.25 years younger.

Conclusion: Our study developed and validated a multiple linear regression model to predict the perceived age of Chinese Han women. This model was successfully utilized in a large-scale clinical evaluation of anti-aging eye cream, revealing that 8 weeks of usage made participants appear 2.25 years younger. This method effectively bridges the gap between clinical research and consumer perceptions, explores the complex factors influencing perceived age, and aims to improve anti-aging formulations.


anti-aging, Chinese Han women, perceived, periorbital, prediction model, skin


This article is excerpted from the Skin Res Technol. 2024;30:e13719 by Wound World.



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