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Conductive Biomaterials as Bioactive Wound Dressing for Wound Healing and Skin Tissue Engineering(1)

RuiYu1, HualeiZhang1,2, BaolinGuo1,2

Baolin Guo, baoling@ mail.xjtu.edu.cn
State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, and Frontier Institute of Science and Technology, Xi' an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049, People's Republic of China
Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Province for Craniofacial Precision Medicine Research, College of Stomatology, Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049, People's Republic of China
Published online: 02 December 2021

●The design and application of conductive biomaterials for wound healing are comprehensively reviewed, including versatile conductive agents, the various forms of conductive wound dressings, and different in vivo applications.
●Three main strategies of which conductive biomaterials realizing their applications in wound healing and skin tissue engineering are discussed.
●The challenges and perspectives in designing multifunctional conductive biomaterials and further clinical translation are proposed.

ABSTRACT Conductive biomaterials based on conductive polymers, carbon nanomaterials, or conductive inorganic nanomaterials demonstrate great potential in wound healing and skin tissue engineering, owing to the similar conductivity to human skin, good antioxidant and antibacterial activities, electrically controlled drug delivery, and photothermal effect. However, a review highlights the design and application of conductive biomaterials for wound healing and skin tissue engineering is lacking. In this review, the design and fabrication methods of conductive biomaterials with various structural forms including film, nanofiber, membrane, hydrogel, sponge, foam, and acellular dermal matrix for applications in wound healing and skin tissue engineering and the corresponding mechanism in promoting the healing process were summarized. The approaches that conductive biomaterials realize their great value in healing wounds via three main strategies (electrotherapy, wound dressing, and wound assessment) were reviewed. The application of conductive biomaterials as wound dressing when facing different wounds including acute wound and chronic wound (infected wound and diabetic wound) and for wound monitoring is discussed in detail. The challenges and perspectives in designing and developing multifunctional conductive biomaterials are proposed as well.

KEYWORDS Conducting polymers; Inorganic nanomaterials; Biomaterials; Electrotherapy; Wound monitoring

Cite as
Nano-Micro Lett. (2022) 14:1
Received: 29 July 2021
Acepted: 29 October 2021 ◎The Author(s) 2021


罗高兴 刘梦龙

陆军军医大学(第三军医大学)第一附属医院全军烧伤研究所,创伤、烧伤与复合伤国家重点实验室,重庆市疾病蛋白质组学重点实验室 400038

通信作者:罗高兴 Email: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。



基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目(81920108022);国家自然科学基金重点项目(81630055)

Application of functional materials to promote cutaneous wound healing
   Luo Gaoxing, Liu Menglong
      State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burns and Combined Injury, Institute of Burn Research, the First Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University (the Third Military Medical University), Chongqing Key Laboratory for Disease Proteomics, Chongqing 400038, China Corresponding author: Luo Gaoxing, Email: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

[ Abstract ] Cutaneous wound is one of the common clinical diseases. Functional materials can provide targeted wound protection and promote wound healing through the structural adjustment and functional integration. Currently, functional materials have been widely used in the field of wound repair, becoming one of the important tools for clinical wound treatment. This paper summarizes the application of functional
materials of following categories including hemostasis,antibacterial, anti-inflammation, vascularization, and regulation of wound microenvironment in wound repair.

[ Key words ] Skin; W ound healing; Functional materials; W ound microenvironment

Fund program: Key International Cooperation Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (81920108022); Key Program of N ational Natural Science Foundation of China (81630055).


金 岩F! 刘 源 *! 张 超*! 董 蕊*! 雷 娟*

(第四军医大学组织工程研发中心, 西安 710032

摘要: 目 的 利 用 自 体 表 皮 干 细 胞 与 异 体 角 膜 基 质 细 胞 在 体 外 构 建 双 层 组 织 工 程 角 膜 ! 并 修 复 兔 角 膜 缘 干 细 胞 的 缺 损 " 方 法 建 立 兔 角 膜 缘 干 细 胞 缺 损 模 型 ! 以 去 细 胞 猪 角 膜 基 质 片 作 为 支 架 材 料 ! 以 自 体 表 皮 干 细 胞 与 异 体 角 膜 基 质 细 胞 作 为 种 子 细 胞 ! 在 体 外 构 建 组 织 工 程 角 膜 ! 并 用 来 修 复 兔 角 膜 缘 干 细 胞 缺 损 " 结 果 利 用 自 体 表皮 干 细 胞 与 异 体角 膜 基 质 细 胞 复合 异 种 去 角 膜 基 质 片 在 体 外 成 功 构 建 组 织 工 程 角 膜 # 构 建 的 组 织 工 程 角 膜 与 正 常 角膜 相 似 ! 具 有 上 皮层 和 基 质 层 # 用 组 织 工 程 角 膜 修 复 兔 角 膜 缘 干 细 胞 缺 损 T 个 月 后 ! 损 伤 角 膜 透 明 度 恢 复 良 好 ! 组 织 学 结 构基 本 恢 复 正 常 " 结论 成 功 构 建 了 兔 的双 层 组 织 工 程 眼角 膜 ! 并 修 复 了 兔角 膜 缘 干 细 胞 缺损 "

关键词" 表皮干细胞# 角膜# 组织工程# 角膜损伤

中图分类号:R 775.2


文章编号: 1000-503X(2005)06-0674-04

Treatment of Rabbit Corneal W ounds with Skin Epidermal Stem Cells

Jin Yan*, Liu Yuan*, Zhang Chao*, Dong Rui*, Lei Juan*

(Research Center for Tissue Engineering, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032, China)

Abstract: Objective To construct artificial rabbit corneas with autologous skin epidermal stem cells and allogenic stromal cells in vitro and promote healing of corneal wounds.

Methods: Skin epidermal stem cells were isolated from autologous skin samples. Keratocytes were isolated from newborn cornea biopsies. The cells were combined with acelular porcine corneal stroma scaffold to construct artificial corneas. Then the constructed artificial corneas were used to repair severe vision loss caused by complete loss of corneal epithelial stem cells.

Results: Cultured skin epidermal stem cells and keratocytes were in good growth conditions.Cultured artificial corneas consisted of multiplayer epithelial cells growing on stroma equivalent consisting of stromal matrix with incorporated keratocytes. The in vitro constructed artificial corneas were histologically similar to normal rabbit corneas. Three months after transplantation, the cornea wounds were healed and the rabbit cornea became transparent.

Conclusion: The artificial corneas were constructed successfully in vitro and can be used to repair severe vision loss caused by complete loss of corneal epithelial stem cells.

Key words: epidermal stem cells; cornea; tissue engineering; comeal wound Acta Acad Med Sin, 2005 ,27(6):674-677

Acta Acad Med Sin, 2005 ,27(6):674-677

Metabolic surgery in China: present and future

Yinfang Tu", Yuqian Bao回1,2*, and Pin Zhang 3,*

1 Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital Shanghai Diabetes Institute, Shanghai Clinical Center of Diabetes, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Diabetes Mellitus, Shanghai Key Clinical Center for Metabolic Disease, Shanghai 200233, China
2 Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, jinshan District Central Hospital of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai 201 599, China
3 Department of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai 200233, China* Correspondence to: Yuqian Bao, E-mail: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。; Pin Zhang, E-mail: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

Edited by Wei-Ping Jia
      Obesity and its related complications comprise a serious public health problem worldwide, and obesity is increasing in China.
      Metabolic surgery is a new type of treatment with unique advantages in weight loss and obesity-related metabolic complications.
      The pathogenesis of obesity is complex and not yet fully understood. Here, we review the current efficacy and safety of metabolic surgery, as well as recent progress in mechanistic studies and surgical procedures in China. The exciting and rapid advances in this field provide new opportunities for patients with obesity and strike a balance between long-term effectiveness and safety.

Keywords: metabolic surgery, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, metabolic syndrome.

 Received March 14, 2021. Revised May 27, 2021. Accepted June 14, 2021.
◎The Author(s) (2021). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, CEMCS, CAS.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:/ /creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact journals. 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

大鼠自体异体表皮细胞悬液混合移植 的实验研究

吕国忠 朱宇刚 周红梅 顾在秋 杨敏杰


方法 30只,大鼠随机配成15对后.分成细胞悬液移植组(A组,10对)和细胞膜片移植组(B组,5对)。取每只大鼠的去全厚皮创面分离表皮细胞,并根据配对情况按1:1的细胞比例混合,体外常规培养。4 d后收获A组混合细胞悬液,14 d后收获B组混介细胞膜片、将此细胞悬液和膜片分别转移至A、B组相应供体大鼠的去全厚皮创面、随后A组每对大鼠的创面交叉覆益配对方的体全厚皮;B组创血覆盖胶原膜及“优妥”敷料。比较移梢后2~3周两组的创面修复情况。

结果 术后2~3 尚,A组创面大多愈介,表面光滑.与皮下连接紧密。术后第5天,B组创面部分细胞膜片脱落,部分成活。膜片成活的

结论 自异体表皮细胞悬液混合移植足一种可行的、体内构建皮肤、修复创面的方法。

[关键词] 表皮;细胞培养; 皮肤移植;烧伤

An experimental study on the in vivo intermingled culture of rat autologous and allogeneic epithelial cells LV Cuozhong, ZHU Yugang, ZHOU Hongmei. Department of Burns, The Third People' s Hospital, Wuxi 214041,Jiangsu Province, P. R. China

[ Abstract] Objective To explore a method for in vivo skin reconstruction. Methods Thirty Spraque-Dawley ( SD) rats were randomly divided into two paired groups, i. e. in vivo culture ( A group,10
pairs) and in vitro grafting (B group,5 pairs). Skin samples were harvested from the rats of the two groups for the isolation of epithelial cells which were then mixed cultured in vitro in 1: I ratio. Mixed cellular sus- pension in A group was harvested 4 days after culture. The mixed cellular sheets were harvested 14 days after culture. The cultured cells and sheets were then thansplanted onto ttal skin loss wounds of donor rats for further cultivation. The wounds in A group were covered with allogeneic full-thickness skin. While the wounds in group were covered by collagen membrane and gauze. Wound repair was observed and compared between the two groups al 2-3 post - operative weeks.

Most of the wounds in A group healed after 2-3 weeks with smooth surface, and the peithelium connected closely and tightly with the: subcutaneous tissue. In the wounds in B group on 5 post-operative day . some of the cellular sheets survived and some fell off. Even the healed wounds in B group would be injured again resulting in protracted small wounds.

Conclusion In vivo in situ epithelia! culture might be an optional method of skin reconstruction for wound healing.

[Key words] Epithelium; Cell culture; Skin graft; Burm


朱世琴1 邓波2 李飞2  综述  李显蓉3  审校

1.西南医科大学附属医院内分泌科,四川泸州646000;2.西南医科大学护理学院,四川泸州646000  3. 西南医科大学附属医院胃肠外科,四川 泸州 646000



[中图分类号]R587.1 [文献标志码] A 10.3969/j.issn.1672-3511.2019.11.033

Application status of vacuum sealing drainage in diabetic foot

ZHU Shiqin1, DENG Bo2, LI Fei2  reviewing  LI Xianrong3 chenking.

[Abstract] Diabetic foot is one of the major problems in clinical chronic wound treatment and it is also an important public health problem. Vacuum sealing drainage technology, as a new technique in the field of wound repair, has been widely used in the treatment of diabetic foot and has achieved certain results. This paper reviews the application of negative pressure sealing drainage technique in treating diabetic foot and nursing care, so as to help clinical nurses grasp accurately the current situation of negative pressure sealing drainage. Thus providing a safe and effective treatment technique for wound healing for patients with chronic diseases suffering from diabetic foot.
[keywords] Diabetic foot ulcers; Vacuum sealing drainage; Nursing