黄韶斌 1 胡志成 1 张逸 2 唐冰 1 王鹏 1 徐海琳 1 王志勇 1 董云先 1 程璞 1 荣燕超 1 吴军 3 朱家源 1
1 中山大学附属第一医院烧伤科,广州 510080;
2 南通大学附属医院烧伤整形外科 226001;3 深圳大学第一附属医院烧伤整形科 518037 通信作者:朱家源,Email:该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。
Shaobin Huang1,2† , Zhicheng Hu1† , Peng Wang1 , Yi Zhang3 , Xiaoling Cao1 , Yunxian Dong1 , Pu Cheng1 , Hailin Xu1 ,
Wenkai Zhu4 , Bing Tang1* and Jiayuan Zhu1*
Background: Full-thickness wounds severely affect patients’ life quality and become challenging problems for clinicians. Stem cells have great prospects in the treatment of wounds. Our previous study confirmed that autologous basal cell suspension could promote wound healing, and epidermal stem cells (ESCs) were detected in the basal cell suspension. Herein, this study aimed to explore the effect of ESCs on full-thickness wounds.
Methods: Rat ESCs were isolated and expanded and then were transfected with lentivirus to stably express enhanced green fluorescent protein. The experimental rats were randomly divided into 2 groups: in the ESC group, the rat ESCs were sprayed on the full-thickness wounds of rats; in the control group, phosphate-buffered saline was sprayed the on the wounds. Next, wound healing and neovascularization were evaluated. Colonization, division, and differentiation of ESCs on the wound were analyzed by immunofluorescence.
Results: The rat ESCs colonized, divided, and proliferated in the wound. Additionally, rat ESCs around blood vessels differentiated into vascular endothelial cells and formed a lumen-like structure. Compared with the control group, the ESC group showed enhanced angiogenesis and accelerated wound healing.
Conclusions: Our study confirmed that rat ESCs are safe and effective for treating full-thickness wounds. Additionally, under certain conditions, ESCs can differentiate into vascular endothelial cells to promote angiogenesis and wound healing.
Keywords: ESCs, Cell differentiation, Angiogenesis, Full-thickness wounds
擅长疾病 : 慢性创面修复,如压疮、糖尿病足、静脉性溃疡、放射性溃疡、开胸手术后切口不愈合、皮肤肿瘤、外伤后骨外露等。各种瘢痕及溃疡。
中华医学会烧伤、医学美容整形专业会员,海南省医学会烧伤整形专业委员会常委兼秘书,海南省医学会烧伤整形专业委员会主要发起人之一。 1988年海南大学医学部毕业,一直从事烧伤救治、创面修复、瘢痕整形的临床医疗工作和科研,为具有烧伤外科专业、整形外科专业资格的执业医师。